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Women Society cult images_Quiz2

Women Society cult images_Quiz2

Q In Tolman's "Daring to Desire" we discussed the themes of sexual desire and agency. One of the areas we talked about was "want" vs. "need" and how women are encouraged by society not to think about their own sexual desires. What did you get out of this discussion? How has your own experiences supported or discounted this study? Consider how the idea of sex is constructed in our society in conjunction with gender. The double standard in sexual health as examined in "" can shape politics and influence very real health outcomes for women and men. How has the social construction of gender impacted our sexual health?It has been almost ten years since Patricia Hill Collins published "Get Your Freak On". In what ways has Hollywood changed or not changed since her writing? Make a strong statement on whether or not you believe this new racism has improved. What current examples from the media can you use to support your stance. While discussing "Brain, Brow, and Booty: Latina Iconicity" we were introduced the concept of "Any woman" as a role that Latina women can inhabit. Explore what this means. How does this hybridity impact their success and also call into question their authenticity? How has Wilkins, "So Full of Myself as a Chick" forced us to think about mainstream and post femininity, specifically as it is tied to sexuality? Consider how Goth culture allows women to resist social pressures and to celebrate resistance. Consider all of the readings and class discussions, examples from media, and personal anecdotes from this week. What have you learned from this exploration of the Politics of Sexuality as related to the Image of Women in our Society? What are the issues surrounding this area? How has romance and the idea of sexual desire/need, control, relationships impacted women? In short, what did you "Get" from this week? Use examples to support your stance. (Approx. length of your response should be about 500 words).

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In Tolman’s “Dare to Desire” is disclosed a nature of a basic structure of a human mind and also the desires which are considered normal. In case of women, things have always been different, things have always been difficult. They had to suppress the desires in the name of morality. Morality on the other hand is subject to manipulation by people who run the society, mostly the men. The different aspects of women’s desire are dependent on simple bodily factors, there were different aspects of health and society is involved in there. Society insists to play a certain role and also be surprisingly firm in situations where it is normal for human beings to fall.